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31490 borg luxembourg s.a., société anonyme. registered office: l-2210 luxembourg, 54, boulevard napoléon ier. r. c. luxembourg b 67.754. -- in the year two thousand, on the fourteenth of december. before us maître edmond schroeder, notary residing in mersch. was held an extraordinary general meeting of the shareholders of borg luxembourg s.a., having its registered office in luxembourg, incorporated by a deed of the undersigned notary, on the 9th of december 1998, published in the mémorial, recueil des sociétés et associations c of the 13th of march 1999, number 166. the articles of incorporation were amended for the last time by a deed of the undersigned notary on the 25th of may 1999, published in the mémorial c number 762 of the 14th of october 1999. the meeting was chaired by atanas salabaschew, investor, residing in paris. the chairman appointed as secretary richard schepard, lawyer, residing in paris. the meeting elected as ballot-judge charles lahyr, doctor at law, residing in esch-sur-alzette. the chairman declared and requested the notary to state that: i.- the shareholders present or represented and the number of shares held by each of them are shown on an attendance list, signed by the chairman, the secretary, the ballot-judge and the undersigned notary. the said list as well as the proxies will be annexed to this document to be filed with the registration authorities. ii.- it appears from the attendance list that 34, 734 shares representing all the subscribed capital are present or represented at the present extraordinary general meeting so that the meeting can validly decide on all the items of the agenda. iii.- that the agenda of the meeting is the following: agenda 1. decrease of the par value of the shares form the amount of dem 100.- per share to dem 2.5 per share. 2. conversion of the 34, 734 existing shares with a par value of dem 100.- each into 1, 389, 360 shares with a par value of dem 2.5 each and full powers to the board of directors to implement said conversion. 3. increase of the capital by dem 71, 230.- so as to raise it from its present amount of dem 3, 473, 400.- to dem 3, 544, 630.- by the issue of 28, 492 new shares with a par value of dem 2.5 each having the same rights and obligations as the existing shares. 4. waiver, by 18 out of the present 19 shareholders, of their preferential subscription right and subscription and full payment of the 28, 492 new shares by one existing shareholders and by one new shareholder by an aggregate contribution in cash of dem 863, 877.44 out of which an amount of dem 792, 647.44 is to be allotted to an issue premium account. 5. perusal of a report of the board of directors established pursuant to paragraph 5 ; of article 32-3 of the 1915 companies act. 6. creation of an authorized capital of up to dem 3, 741, 490.- and suppression of the related preferential subscription right. 7. subsequent amendment of article 5 of the articles of association that shall henceforth have following wording: the corporate capital is set at three million five hundred forty-thousand six hundred thirty deutsche mark 3, 544, 630.- dem ; divided into one million four hundred seventeen thousand eight hundred fifty two 1, 417, 852 ; shares with a par value of two point five deutsche mark 2.5 dem ; each, fully paid. the shares may be created at the owner's option in certificates representing single shares or in certificates representing two or more shares. each share shall be registered until its complete payment. after entire payment a share may be registered or in bearer form, at the discretion of the shareholder. the corporation may, to the extent and under the terms permitted by law, purchase its own shares. the corporate capital may be increased or reduced in compliance with the legal requirements. during a period of five years effective the publication of the notarial deed of 14th of december 2000, the board of directors is authorized to increase from time to time the subscribed capital up to dem 3, 741, 490.- by the issue against cash, for a consideration to be assessed by the board of directors, of new shares with a par value of dem 2.5 each in one or several instalments, without reserving any preferential subscription rights to the persons already holding shares as of the date of each new issue. the board of directors may delegate to any one of the managing directors full powers with a view to accepting the related subscriptions and to receiving the subscription price; furthermore, the board of directors may delegate to any person full powers with a view to rendering effective such action by causing the first paragraph of the present article to be amended so as to reflect the increase of the subscribed capital. such new shares are intended to compensate one or more key employees of the company's wholly-owned german subsidiary borg instruments a.g. and as such all such new shares as may be issued by the board of directors shall only be allotted to such key employees and or to any entity or entities designated by them ; designated by the board of directors or by a managing director. full power is granted to the board of directors and, if power hereunder is delegated to a managing director, then to him also, to designate such key employees and to make the share or option grants provided for by the present article upon such terms as the board of directors or managing director, as the case may be, shall decide. after deliberation, the meeting unanimously passed the following resolutions et regles poker. Lle s'est produite sur les meilleures scènes de l'hexagone, de la biennale de danse de lyon aux rencontres urbaines de la villette. depuis quinze ans, la danseuse et chorégraphe kadia faraux se bat pour imposer les femmes dans le monde du hip hop. elle travaille aujourd'hui sur sa nouvelle création, "le silence des hommes", qu'elle a pu peaufiner saint-priest, le centre théo argence ayant décidé de l'aider en mettant sa disposition la grande salle et un créateur lumière. kadia et saint-priest, c'est en effet une longue histoire. tout commença en 1996 lorsqu'elle prit en main les destinées de la compagnie "dance'n'effeckt", composée de quatre jeunes filles de la ville, avec qui elle.

Casts famke janssen in the lead role of kaily, a hard-up for cash pool hustler who's also a crackerjack poker player desperate to have enough money to reclaim the son she had to abandon years before. kailey's mean-spirited ex-husband david matt ross ; , now remarried has full custody of their mistreated, eleven-yearold son gulley jaymie dornan ; who secretly corresponds with and meets his mother for brief, furtive get-togethers. after enduring many hardships, kailey has sufficient cash to get away with her son. however, in a puzzling scene with david, she pretends to have a loaded gun and gives him enough information so he can tell the authorities where to find her and their son. famke janssen is moving in the role and delivers a powerful performance of a loving, devoted mother going to any lengths to reunite with her child. rip torn appears sporadically throughout as quinn, a pool hall owner who is kailey's one true friend and protector. despite confusing and slow moving segments, screenwriter chris eigeman's feature film directorial debut succeeds as an auspicious undertaking.

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